What you need is a good bark in the garden
Generally used to improve the soil around plants, mulching also smartens the appearance of your garden and can help reduce the amount of time spent on watering and weeding.
Bark is a commonly used mulch that composts slowly and will only need topping up occasionally once applied.

It helps the soil retain moisture in summer, prevent weeds from growing and protect the roots of plants in winter. Typically used to make beds and borders easier to maintain its worth bearing in mind that bark can also be used in pots, tubs and even hanging garden baskets.
In the border bark is primarily used to provide a natural barrier against weeds and should be laid about 5cm deep, so check your measurements to make sure you buy enough material.
In pots bark is slow to compost down, so you shouldn’t need to top it up too often. This slow compost also helps enrich and aerate the soil helping to stimulate plant growth as mulched plants and trees grow faster than un-mulched!
Cheltenham Fencing sells both bagged and loose bark and you can order and find more details on bark here on our website as well as options on delivery to your home.
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