Walford Timber Sponsors Golf Day
On Sunday the 10th April 2011, Walford Timber sponsored and entered a team into the Walford School Charity Golf Day, held at Monmouth Golf Club.

Team members were George Smith (M.D.), Carl Stacey (Production Foreman), Tony Fletcher (Senior Account Manager), and the company?s electrician Dean Read. All got off to a solid start on a glorious sunny day in the Monmouthshire countryside, however being timber merchants we were all drawn to the wooded areas of the course and had the opportunity of studying some the trees at very close quarters! All four players were very well matched, and being a team event, we were pushing each other all the way around.
After finishing in a respectable mid-table position, we sat down and enjoyed a delicious meal, followed by the prize giving and speeches. The event raised several hundred pounds for Walford Primary School that will be put to very good use.