1st Goodrich Brownies get green fingers!
Walford Timber, Ross Garden Store, and Elements Gardens have teamed up to supply Goodrich Brownies with some planters for their Centenary Celebration garden party.

Ross Garden Store initially took the request from the Brownies, and passed the construction job on to Elements Gardens. Elements Gardens approached Walford Timber for the materials, who were more than happy to donate the necessary timber for the planters construction.
We received an excellent thank you card from the Brownies which has pride on place in the office.
Barbara Brown Owl writes:
‘On behalf of the Brownies I should like to thank you most sincerely for the donation of troughs which they filled last night during their Centenary Celebration Garden party. Perhaps not a good night to do it, as they were nearly all in their finery, but we did supply gloves! We are eternally grateful – Thank you!’